In this course you will learn the keys to implement a cooperative climate in the classroom, including strategies, structures and principles which foster learning via cooperative learning experiences rather than group work.
Teachers of all educational levels
School leaders
Future teachers
Cooperative learning
We all know the importance of cooperation in today’s society – knowledge is growing exponentially thanks to technology and nobody can grasp it all individually, we need others to produce it, understand it, use it, apply it, etc.
In schools we also need to fully acknowledge the value of learning among equals. The advantages and benefits of cooperative learning have been amply studied and proven and yet frequently when we attempt to put it into practice in the classroom it doesn’t lead to the expected results.
In this course we will provide you with the keys to implement a climate of classroom cooperation, including strategies, structures, principles… which allow you to discover the difference in learning terms between designing group work activities and cooperative learning ones.
Please contact us if you think this course is for you and your team. We are delighted to provide you with more information.