Erasmus for teachers in vienna

Experience an educational transformation in Vienna with Escuela21

Want to improve your teaching skills and learn the principles of good international practice in the field of education? We are offering a week-long, inspiring, multidisciplinary training experience aimed at teachers, management staff and professionals interested in educational transformation.

Join us for a unique learning experience in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities!

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Forma parte de un espacio de inspiración y aprendizaje continuo

Empodera a tu equipo educativo y aprovecha la oportunidad de conocer, junto a otros centros, las metodologías, herramientas y profesionales que harán que tu escuela siga creciendo e impactando positivamente la vida de tantas personas.

Erasmus for teachers in vienna

What does this experience consist of?

Upcoming courses: 

1-5 July 2024

2-6 December 2024



Find out more about experts’ backgrounds and skill-sets and about national and international educational centres creating positive change in your sector.


Learn to identify key areas in which your school needs to lead innovation and work on the essential factors of your personal transformation as a teacher.


Discover new strategies and methodologies to improve your teaching and create synergies with other professionals in education.

Subject areas

Our Erasmus+ training, offers six subject areas, two of which are highlighted according to the course:

Evaluation of competences

You will learn how to implement competence learning evaluations for stimulating inclusive education and become familiar with using the different tools to perform effective evaluation processes.

Design for learning situations

You will learn to design competence learning situations and didactic sequences with competence tasks for any educational level, area or subject.

Learning landscapes and personalization

You will become familiar with learning landscapes and design your own inclusive ones which combine multiple intelligences with different levels of cognitive performance according to Bloom's taxonomy.

Inclusive educational environments

You will learn to analyse your educational environment in order to reduce learning barriers and progress in building inclusive educational environments and exploring them in the framework of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Keys for carrying out digital transformation at schools:

We will help you identify strengths and opportunities in order to plan the process of digital transformation at your school.

Leadership for educational transformation

You will become familiar with key aspects of the transformation process in schools and the importance of a leader in team management to fulfil pledges and obtain sustainable results.

Erasmus for teachers in vienna

How does it work?

A five-day experience aimed specifically at educators and management.

Exclusive venue
The GLEIS21 venue, located in the heart of the new Sonnwendviertel Ost, will be our main meeting place and welcoming point for carrying out training sessions and programmed workshops (Bloch Bauer Promenade 22, 1100 Wien, Austria).
First day
In the morning we will begin with an introduction focussing on the meaning of innovating in education and the features that characterize an innovative school. We will go on a virtual trip to explore innovative schools around the world in order to analyse their facilities, methodologies and digital implementation models.

In the afternoon, we will watch an exclusive screening of the documentary "A school for all of us", created and directed by David Fernández and Amaia Maguregui. After the screening a round table will be held where ideas raised in the documentary may be discussed and explored.
Second day
In the morning we will concentrate on the subject area A training, which will be selected according to the course. Each area has specific objectives and contents, which are rigorously up-to-date according to European educational legislation.

In the afternoon, we will visit a local school. We will be able to talk to its management team, understand the educational context of the host country and learn about the innovation processes that it is carrying out.
Third day
In the morning the second part of subject area A training will be looked at. We will examine the key concepts in more detail, working as a team using group dynamics to allow us to explore and build collective understanding, where we may contribute our perspectives and learn from our colleagues’ experiences.
Fourth day
In the morning we will move ahead with subject area B training, which is in alignment with the objectives dealt with in area A. In order to foster collaborative learning, we will continue to use group explorative dynamics.

A “round” of educational experiences will be presented, in which each participant introduces their school and shares an inspiring experience with the rest. This will be an excellent opportunity to enhance our knowledge thanks to real-life examples from other schools.

At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance will be given to all the participants, in recognition of their effort and commitment in this Erasmus+ training.
Fifth day
A free day for you to explore Vienna, a city full of history and culture which you will love to get to know better. You can wander through its streets, visit its famous operas and palaces and enjoy its delicious cuisine.

We remind you that when you sign up we will send you a tour suggestion containing all the necessary information to plan your day in Vienna easily and comfortably.
360 planning support
We offer comprehensive support for planning your Erasmus+ experience. Throughout the trip, we will help you with logistical planning, answer your queries, translate for you and be available for any other requirement that might need addressing during your stay.
Erasmus for teachers in vienna

Other information


the timetable may differ significantly due to participants’ requests, availability of the school and the teachers.

If you wish to focus on a specific subject area, you must specify this at least 4 weeks before it starts, as the definitive timetable will be sent 2 weeks prior to training.


participants will be provided with all materials including presentations, reports, technical data and resources used in the 5-day training.

We will also hand out our Welcome Pack which contains a few surprises. We recommend that participants bring a laptop to help make the most of the sessions.

"Ha sido una formación muy convincente y real. No solo hemos aprendido con los contenidos, sino también con las visitas a los centros. Hemos aprendido como se trabaja en otras realidades educativas y como esos aprendizajes se pueden trasladar a nuestro propio entorno".
Núria Pérez Struch
Assessora de Formació. Ámbit de Plurilingüisme. CEFIRE. Comunidad de Valencia.
Erasmus for teachers in vienna

How can I contact you?

Please use the email to sign up for training, to send us any queries, or to arrange a meeting to discuss your needs.

The cost of the course for each participant is 600€ (this does not include travel or accommodation). This amount covers the entire organization of the experience, our welcome pack of materials (which includes a mug, a notebook, a pencil and a cloth bag), a digital folder containing all communal resources, coffees and light snacks during breaks, a communal meal, session dynamization and guidance, as well as comprehensive accompaniment before and during the activity.

Training can be given in Spanish or English, depending on the course. In addition, during the school visit simultaneous translation from German into the language being used on the course will be provided so that all participants may enjoy the experience equally.

In the vicinity of the course venue, you can find a good variety of quality hotels and Airbnb. However, to make it easier for you to choose, we recommend B&B Hotel Wien-Hbf because of its excellent value for money and its location close to Gleis21, our training venue. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information regarding places to stay in the area!

The experience has a total duration of 5 days. You may consult information about our forthcoming course schedule here.

Unfortunately, at the present time we are unable to offer a returns policy. We recommend you read all the information provided carefully before making your reservation to be sure you wish to take part in the experience before making payment. Please contact us to clarify any details before booking, we are delighted to help you in any way we can.

Yes. We have no limit on participants from the same school. We are delighted to welcome and work with both school teachers and school management staff.

Fill out and send our sign-up form to reserve your place and we will contact you subsequently via email. Once you have decided you wish to confirm your participation, you must make full payment for the experience. Important: if you need a bill to be sent directly to your school and payment to be made in this way, you must provide us with the billing details of your school.

Right now, the only confirmed upcoming courses are the ones published on our website. We are working on providing more dates, so please check for updates on our social networks.

If you can gather together a group of minimum 15 participants, we would be happy to organize a course on your chosen dates. We are available to discuss this at

Erasmus for teachers in vienna

Fill out this form and we will send you additional information about how to complete your registration for the upcoming Erasmus courses.

Next course:

1-5 July 2024

2-6 December 2024

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