It was agreed in the Sectorial Education Conference, held on 6 June 2022 and presided by Pilar Alegria, the Spanish Minister of Education and Professional Training, the objective of achieving credentials in digital competence for at least 80% of the 700,000 non-university teachers in Spanish territories before 2024. This was the pledge made by Spain to the European Commission and which is reflected in Component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and supported by the exceptional instrument of temporary recovery (Next Generation EU) which guarantees a coordinated European response to counter the economic and social effects of the pandemic.
The ultimate goal of this initiative is to develop pupils' digital competence by means of improving teachers' digital competence, as only a digitally competent teaching staff will be able to orient pupils in the development of said competence.
Escuela21 has been called upon by the Ministry of Culture, Education and Professional Training and Universities, to carry out the following activities:
Title photo: Marvin Meyer vía unsplash
Design and conceptualization of projects
Design, organization and creation of educational materials
Dynamization, coordination and management
Training and induction
Process tracking and evaluation