Comprehensive accompaniment for schools and educational centre networks

Through our comprehensive accompaniment and transformation program, we offer the tools and necessary support for your educational project to reach its full potential.

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Start your transformation process by opening a door to the world

Escuela21 has visited more than 200 innovative schools around the world over the past ten years.

We are experts in identifying and analysing the best educational practices and understanding what makes them exceptional.

Thanks to our international and local analyses, we are able to study each school’s individual requirements and harness its potential for customised growth on the path to improvement.

lirbo escuelas innovadoras y familias creativas viaje a la escuela del siglo XXI alfredo hernando escuela21

‘Innovative Schools and Creative Families’ and ‘A Journey to the 21st Century Education’ with more than a million downloads worldwide and translated into English, French and Portuguese, these two guides bring together Escuela21’s findings during its journey around the world to get closer to the most innovative educational practices.


Grow with us

We design a special process in which we accompany teachers, families, and principals to make the envisioned educational project and sought-after improvements a reality.

Design and conceptualisation


We have developed our own school culture evaluation measure to define the starting point, determining strengths and necessities from a supportive viewpoint.


We generate a unique profile report for each school in order to reach a better understanding of its opportunities for growth.


We are members of the Recognized Group of Innovation and Digital Education (EduDIG) of the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca, an academic backing that allows us to improve our accompaniment model and to follow new R&D projects.

Growth and learning

Contextualised practice

We focus on real classroom challenges to introduce new routines into school life and to achieve the sought-after transformation of school culture.

Custom design

We activate learning by means of digital and face-to-face laboratories, in stages with specialised trainers, as part of a living process that we customise to the requirements of each group.

Enhanced formats

We design varied sessions: participatory laboratories, conversations with experts and mentors, exchanges of good practices, video gymkhanas, escape games, mentoring, facilitation, co-creation workshops...

Monitoring and care

We visit teachers in the classroom and ensure the institutional changes take effect by means of interviews and guided processes of observation, analysis, and reflection.

Accompaniment and creativity

Shared leadership

We offer our services to institutional leaders by synchronising calendars and strategies with follow-up meetings and formative sessions on demand putting our team at their disposition, and making their project our project.


We get involved in meetings with families and other community agents in order to work together and to explain close-up the process of transformation and improvement.


We take great care when making achievement presentations and designing audiovisual products to be shared by the community.


We demonstrate the progress of learning by supporting clear, joint commitments that are the foundation of the process from beginning to end in sessions set aside for celebrating achievements.

Growth and extent


Are there any schools in your network that do not have the necessary resources? We design grants so that centres facing resource shortages can benefit from the process at no cost.

Open week

We organise a week of unique learning at out head office in Vienna that includes visits to innovative schools, workshops, and conversations with international experts. Pack your bags, we cover the expenses and the accommodation.

Flexible Management

We adapt our financial proposal to the deadlines and the possibilities of each institution. We work with split payments, training credit or grants, ensuring the maximum efficiency on each investment.

'I have the honour to know and work with Alfredo Hernando and Escuela21 for more than 15 years. Ever since he decided to start his 'Journey to the 21st Century Education' and his later projects, he has continued to inspire us with his investigations, presentations and workshops, and collaborating as a tutor in the creation of our most important innovation programs: 'Teachers for the Change and the Innovation', 'Teachers in Action', and '#profesinnovadores' (innovative teachers), in which he has trained more than 20,000 teachers and managers.'
Irene Arrimadas
Director or the Department of Pedagogical Innovation of Escuelas Católicas


Transform your school culture with a deep process

The combination of tools, moments, mood, times, spaces, and people, create a shared culture by educators, families, and students that ends up having an impact on what we understand by learning.

We help you design a plan as a starting point of a deep process of transformation based on the understanding of the real culture of your centre.

Benefits of the process

Take a look at our successful cases

American School of Bogotá
American School of Bogotá
Comprehensive Accompaniment for the American School of Bogotá


Start your transformation project

Fill out the form and we will contact you.
